Continuing To Serve Others During This Challenging Time

Mission Moment

From a Holcombe House Family
Alicia who is currently staying at the house, turned 3 this week and her mom wanted to do something special for her. Since all meal groups have been canceled, and companies are catering meals, mom decided to host a pizza party. Mom ordered pizza and had cake and ice cream for all of the families at the house.  Click here to see everyone sing "Happy Birthday". #KeepingFamiliesClose
Thank you for caring about our families' well-being. For the safety of our families, 
we would like to share an important update with you regarding COVID-19 (Coronavirus) prevention.
We continue to take every precaution to keep our families safe during the Coronavirus outbreak.  Today, there are 50 families in the House.  Steps we've taken to ensure health and safety:
  • Closed the TV Rooms and Sports Room to keep all surfaces sanitized and families safe
  • Continue to ask families to maintain social distancing in all areas including while they are cooking and in the Great Room
  • Suggesting families "get in their steps" and take the stairs, rather than the elevators
  • At least one meal and often two are being sponsored by groups
  • Our cleaning crew is cleaning more frequently, making sure surfaces are free from germs
Here is what you can do to help this week:

1. Since all meal group volunteer activities have also been cancelled, help us stock up on staple groceries so families can cook for themselves/snack while at the hospital. You can get them delivered to our doorsteps from shopping online on our Amazon wish lists: (we know that many of the items on our Amazon Wishlist are not available at this time, but you can still help us out by using Kroger Delivery, HEB Delivery, or 
House Needs: Lysol disinfectant spray, paper goods, plates and bowls, plastic silverware, Cup of Noodles, Easy Mac, Chef Boyardee, tuna or chicken kits, Compleats, etc.... Also vegetarian options! Individually wrapped Grab and Go snacks: fruit cups, apple sauce, and microwave popcorn. Things that are always needed: paper towels hand sanitizer Clorox wipes bottled water laundry detergent and napkins.

2. Please help us with monetary donations, click here to donate.
Consider making a monthly $25 gift to cover the cost each family is asked to pay per night. Imagine the impact you and 20 others can make with a gift like this.

With warm regards,

Rick Noriega
RMH Houston CEO

Ronald McDonald House Houston, 1907 Holcombe Blvd, Houston, TX 77030